Normally I try to just put pictures up here with a few words and explanations, because I don't like to read, and I figure there must be other people out there like me who enjoy pictures. But sometimes there are no pictures that represent the thoughts. This is one of those days. I want to share my heart with you and tell you what's going on between my brain and my heart. So if you're only in it for the pictures then wait for the next post, they'll be back!
To write what I have learned is no small task. It is quite impossible actually. But in an effort to try I will look through my notes, Bible, books and memories to write down some of the highlights and quotes for you.
"Actions are simply manifestations of what's in your heart." - Werner Schreiber. So you cannot 'lose your temper', it's just what's in your heart spilling out.
"So often we try to invite God into our story, but really we're being invited into His story." -Louie Giglio
"Until we understand that the passion of the flesh that drives one person to take drugs may be the same passion that drives another to teach Sunday school, we haven't yet understood the Bible's teaching on sin." - Revolution Within, pg 53
"Sin is independence of God instead of in dependence of God." - Charles Price
"God is unbelievably unpredictable. He is unbelievably reliable and loving, but unpredictable." - Lincoln Badger
"Were all human beings suddenly to become blind, still the sun would shine by day and the stars by night, for these owe nothing to the millions who benefit from their light. So, were every man on earth to become atheist, it could not affect God in any way. He is what He is in Himself without regard to any other. To believe in Him adds nothing to His perfections; to doubt Him takes nothing away." - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, pg 50
"Greatness is born of weakness transformed, rather than strength magnified." - Russell Kelfer
"God doesn't necessarily want you to reach your full potential...Jesus didn't. Jesus fulfilled the will of God instead of being a successful carpenter or pharisee." - Kris Baines
"Peace, love and joy come not with the absence of trials, but with the presence of Jesus." - Kris Baines
"If we were God, most of the things that made the biggest impact on our lives, we would have erased." - Russell Kelfer
"Rest is not a slow, sleepy Sunday. It is the presence of Christ. It is everything right. God didn't need a break on day 7, but He enjoyed creation. Maybe Jesus healed on the Sabbath because hurt and broken people make the Sabbath not what it was intended to be. - Peter Thomas
"God's holiness demands a payment. His love says, 'I'll make that payment'." - Dale Epp
On our backpacking trip my eyes were opened during a misty day. At first I was sad because we couldn't see God's beautiful creation while we hiked, but then it was as if God spoke to me and said, "Shelby, I made the mist too." It was an amazing reminder to appreciate ALL of God's creation instead of just the 'cool' stuff. And to love all of God's people, not just the easy to love ones.
"You don't have to be the leader to be an influence." - Peter Bichan
Everyday I learn something and get opportunities to try to apply it. I wish I could share all the teaching around each of those quotes with you, but then you don't have hours everyday to sit down and read this and that's how much teaching I'm getting, so I better not. I don't always enjoy what I learn because challenges aren't always fun, but I still am thankful for them. It has been wonderful to recognize how great my God is and how He really doesn't need me, but He is willing to work in and through me to bring glory to Himself. And that is my life glorify Him.
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