So yesterday I saw this girl with dreads and I've been looking into getting them so I've been trying to muster up courage to ask people where they got theirs done. I decided I had to go chat with this girl, so a couple of us went up to them. There were two girls and a guy hanging out by this van. I walked up and awkwardly asked her if she got her dreads done here and she said no. She had gotten them done in Finland, but she quickly followed that with, "but I know how to do them, I could do some for you!"
I was really nervous. I didn't know how to react. So I just got her number and decided to think about it. I got the courage and then we had to work out the timing. It takes hours. It ended up working out that we both had a free afternoon today so I headed over to the van that the 3 of them are currently living in (gotta love the backpacker lifestyle) and they were just cooking lunch as we started.
Sitting in the road in Queenstown, New Zealand is about the best place ever to get dreadlocks. =) They were so sweet and even shared their lunch with me and made me some tea and they did it all for free!
Unfortunately they do take a while to "lock" so they are a bit fuzzy right now, but don't fret, after a little tender love and care and a small chunk of time they hopefully will be looking great!
So this is my new look. Hopefully you all still love me? hehehe
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