Home Sweet Home
So you've had tons of traveling stories so far, but then the next day I boarded a little tiny baby plane to fly home. Here's a picture from inside. I was in the very back and those are the pilots seats up front. With the two pilots there was a total of 9 of us on the plane. We stopped at this nice "airport" in Mbeya on our way to Sumbawanga which has an even smaller airport.
Dad was waiting to pick me up. He was right out on the edge of the airstrip and I was so happy to see him! We chatted with the pilot for a while (cause my dad knows him) and then drove to a restaurant where my mom would see me. He dropped me off there and we unloaded my stuff so she wouldn't get any hints and then he went to pick her up. He picked her up from the market and came back to the restaurant. She started blubbering like a baby when she saw me! "I hoped and I prayed" she said, but she was quite surprised. We had a nice lunch in town and then drove home. Luka was outside of our house when we drove up and he just stared into the car. I was waving at him and he was just staring then all of the sudden he yelled, "Shelby's here!" and ran over to the car and clung to me as I got out. He would not let go for several minutes...until I had to put him down to hug other people. One of my best friends just stood still in complete shock, another started screaming. Later Luka said, "At first I just didn't know what that face was!" hahaha...he is too funny!
It is wonderful to be home and we also have Stivini and Jose living with us right now. Stivini was the first of all the orphans we have ever taken care of and was 3 the first time we had him. Both of them are 9 years old now. Me and the 3 boys all share a room so every morning I am awakened by them attacking each other and giggling and then yelling, "SHHHH" "SHHHH! Shelby's sleeping" but I just have to love it every time because the cuddles and love are worth it.
Love this post, Shelby!