Friday, July 13, 2012

Every Day Heros

As it says in the about me of this blog...I seem to stumble upon adventures no matter where I go...So today I was trying to do right by my poor car and run inside the gas station to buy oil to fill his little belly up and what do you know I locked my keys in my car. I called AAA Insurance, but they said they couldn't find my account so they wouldn't come. WHAT!?!? That's not what I paid them all that money for! So then I went inside and asked the man working if he was any good at breaking into cars. He said that someone else had all his tools, but he would try. He told this other lady working there that he was going to help me and she was "less than thrilled" about it. I felt bad cause it was obvious that I was getting him in trouble, but he came anyway. He got his truck and pulled out his tools. He said he would try but that these were his trash tools and someone else had the good stuff. He tried and tried and finally that woman left...yelling at him as she went. I apologized and told him I hoped he wasn't getting in too much trouble and he told me that it was his mom and he didn't care (though he did yell that he loved her as she drove sweet). He said they owned 35 different stores so sometimes she got grouchy because all that craziness gave her a headache. 

He tried and tried and couldn't get it. I don't know why but my car is like anti theft and beyond! We grabbed the door handle, but it won't unlock the door. We hit the unlock button but it wouldn't unlock the door. We hit the lock button and it worked but the unlock wouldn't...weird. I called/texted everyone who I thought had a spare answer. Then another guy walked up and started helping. He didn't have the right tools either but he had more tools, so we added them to our mismatched tools. They kept reminding me that I wasn't supposed to lock my keys in my car. And asking me about all the other times I had done it. They said I probably overused AAA and that's why they "couldn't find my account" cause they were sick of unlocking my car. =) Eventually the first guy had to go back inside because mommy-dear was going to be back soon and as she drove off yelling he had told her he was giving up and on his way back inside so if he was still at my car when she got back it'd be ugly. So mechanic man took his turn. Eventually what made it happen was shoving the wire down in with the lock and yanking with all his might. It broke a little plastic off around the lock but that was way better than their offer to smash out my window! 

So these two strangers saved the day. Yay for nice people in the world willing to give up their time and even get in trouble to help a stranger. Every day heros are all around us...who have you helped today?  

Oh, and go get gas at Marathon Petroleum if you need to fill up that tank...they are nice there!

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