Now I've been in the airport for I think 6 or 7 hours, not really sure. I had to go through security again (I'll spare you the details but it was the same as the time in Chicago) when I got here (which felt like I was being sent to a concentration camp because annoyed airport workers herded the confused mob through lines and machines.) After that I found a nice spot to sleep and have spent most my time here. There are some sleeping buddies all around me.
I've gone for a couple little walks, but the backpack is just too heavy for long adventures, so I return to my sleep spot. I think I will find out my gate in an hour or so and then move over there...super excited!
I figured out my gate number, headed right over there, and had 5 minutes before I got on the plane. The man in Chicago had told me that both of my flights were very full, so I was surprised to see the gate was pretty empty. But I figured that since I had come straight there the minute they put the gate up on the screen most people would still be coming. We boarded the plane and I was in row 17B. I found the right seat this time, got my backpack back up in the overhead bin, and sat down. There was no one next to me yet and I was praying it would stay empty. I had a pretty bad headache and really wanted to sleep. Then Chatty Cathy aka Deus Cosmos had me get up so he could scooch in next to me. Bummer. This boy was a talker! He asked me about my travels and told me about his. He asked me what I did and told me what he did. (He has done everything) It was one of those people I didn't know whether to believe or not, and didn't really care. Anything I mentioned doing he had done (and been the one to start the program)
-worked with special needs
-taught English
-director of Rafiki Development Foundation
he also told me about how he lost his phone. I think he was trying to describe ADD because he told me his head was a whir and he often forgot and got off track. haha. Anyway, at least he was nice and told me I could always stay with him when I was in Dar. So we chatted till I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled out my book. Then the plane took off and the movies started so I put my headphones on and picked a movie. He left me alone for a while and then started chatting at me again. I left the headphones on and the movie running to answer him, but he didn't seem to notice. The plane was not full so I was banking on moving away from him to try to sleep, but did not want to seem super rude so I waited till he fell asleep and then wandered to a row in the back that had 2 chairs together. I dozed a bit but was not feeling good. My head was pounding and my stomach hurt. I squeezed myself onto the floor and twisted till I figured out how to keep all my appendages out of the aisle, but even down there I could only doze. Finally I began to worry that if I had to throw up I would not be able to wiggle up from under the seats in time so I got up and sat in the chair. I did throw up. Gross. After that it started to get bumpy and the seatbelt light came on. I laid in the two seats and sang quietly to myself in an effort to not throw up again. Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up a couple more times but slept there on and off for 4-5 hours. Then I moved back to my chair because the plane would be landing soon. Mr Friendly had spilled a cup of water on my seat so I put a pillow down in order to not get soaked. The plane landed and I threw up again. I was feeling miserable. Eventually, we got off the plane and made it through immigration without much work. I still have a resident stamp in my passport so I did not have to get a visa or anything. The lady did ask if I had my old passport (I got that one in 2006 so I don't know why she would need an old one). I told her I didn't and then changed the subject to how I was here visiting my family and she relented and let me through. I found all 3 of my bags and threw them on a cart. They now have some security machines to put your bags through at customs but only 2 of mine would fit. I greeted the guy in Swahili to make him like me because I did NOT want them to open that 3rd bag. It's a cardboard box and would not reseal! We chatted for a while and then put the first 2 bags through. He called me over to the screen and asked me what different stuff was. (I'm no pro on reading a security screen! It's hard!) But I guessed and came up with canning jar lids and then tried to explain what they are and why I had so many in my bag. He laughed and told me to have a good trip.
I put my bags back on the cart and headed out the door. I knew someone from FPCT guest house would be here to pick me up, but I didn't know who, so I started looking for a sign with my name. No sign. Hmmm....then I heard my name, "Shebi!" And there he was...the one guy that I didn't know his name. We greeted each other and then he took the cart from me and pushed it to the car. We got all my luggage in and started the trip to the guest house. It is probably only like 15 minutes, but took almost an hour because of traffic. We ended up driving over the median and stuff like that to shorten the time. I was still feeling horrible and praying I didn't throw up again in the car. Finally we made it and everyone greeted me again and again. They were all so excited to see "Shebi" the daughter of "Maiko". They told me my room number and then we unloaded everything from the car. But then they came back and said that I should go to a different room because that one didn't have hot water. The nameless driver reloaded everything and drove over to the other room. I brought everything in and they invited me to come have chai. I said thank you and that I would be right over and then closed my door and collapsed on my bed. After a few minutes I went into the bathroom to throw up again. Then I went out to have chai with them. I picked a little cup and they replaced it with a big one. I was just sipping happily and then they gave me food as well. (It was delicious, but I was very nervous to eat much). I nibbled and sipped and nibbled and sipped and finally they had to go. As soon as they were gone I stopped eating and dumped out the rest of my chai and went back to my room. I changed into sweats and a tee shirt and climbed into bed.
I slept from about 9am-3pm when I heard pounding on my door. It was Mohammed. He is like an extension of our family. This guy loves us like his own daughters. He came to ask me how I was doing and what I was going to eat. I told him I was doing well and that one of the missionaries was going to pick me up for dinner sometime this evening. He said he already knew that, but what about right now. I said I was fine because I didn't know what time they were coming and it could be soon. He was most concerned and wanted me to eat now...so I gave him money and he went off to find me food. (Let's just remember my stomach still felt yucky) I went over to the office to pay my bill and when I was done he was back with some fried chicken and chips (Chips are french fries that are super greasy and undercooked. - a childhood favorite). I sat down to eat while he talked to me and called me "Kesi", my sister's name, the whole time. I ate as much as I could and then a few more bites and when I was afraid of losing it all again I offered the rest to Mohammed. He took it happily and I went back to my room. So far I've kept it in me! yay! Now I need to get ready because Cory and Kim could be here soon. It'll be nice to go out a little bit. Then hopefully I'll sleep again and wake up in time for my flight to Sumbawanga tomorrow!! Ahhhhh!!!! I can't remember the last time I've been this excited! I haven't been home in almost 3 years!